Hello Grace Church!

It is a great joy to serve with you all and I am eager to spend time with you as I am able. To make it convenient for us to meet, I have given you various options. Click the buttons to display my availability for different types of meetings.

Thank you in advance for letting me be part of your life!

by His Grace,

Pastor Jess

<aside> <img src="/icons/phone-call_blue.svg" alt="/icons/phone-call_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Phone Call - Often, a quick phone call will suffice, rather than a long meeting.


<aside> <img src="/icons/meeting_blue.svg" alt="/icons/meeting_blue.svg" width="40px" /> **1 Hour Meeting** - Miscellaneous meetings. This can be to discuss ideas, questions, concerns, or just about anything.


<aside> <img src="/icons/sandwich_green.svg" alt="/icons/sandwich_green.svg" width="40px" /> **Lunch Meeting** - If you just want to hang out for a little bit.


<aside> <img src="/icons/flag-pennant_orange.svg" alt="/icons/flag-pennant_orange.svg" width="40px" /> **Biblical Counseling -** I will often try to have a trustworthy person sit in on counseling appointments. Two heads are better than one. This provides you with more wisdom and more support.
